Fireworks Committee

Events Schedule for 2023

Friday June 30th Parade around the Lake.

Saturday July 1st Firework Celebration



We are happy to take your donation in ANY AMOUNT and at ANY TIME to help fund the annual event. A big THANK YOU! to those have already sent one in. However, if you would like to qualify for a sign along the front entrance, your donation MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, JUNE 6th. Donations of $100 or more qualify for a sign. It can be your own name on the sign or you can advertise your business. If you’re unable to get the form printed out in time, just copy the requested information onto a sheet of paper and include it with your donation. Again, we accept donations at ANY TIME, it only has to be turned in by Monday to qualify for the sign at the front. Questions? Call Shandra Doughman @ 513-646-9021.


We need VOLUNTEERS to help make this event even happen. Finding enough volunteers is usually the most difficult part of putting an event on, so please, Please, PLEASE consider donating an hour or two of your time on Friday or Saturday to help out with the Bucket Brigade, parking or selling Split-the-Pot tickets. Make it fun – dress up in your red/white/blue, grab some friends or family members and volunteer together. Without the volunteers, we cannot put on these awesome events. Just contact Shandra or Amy to sign up to help.


Thanks Everyone!

Your 2023 Fireworks Committee 


Fireworks Committee Chair: Shandra Doughman  

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